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The White Tara Thangka is a sacred Tibetan Buddhist painting that depicts the Bodhisattva White Tara, a female manifestation of the compassion of all Buddhas. The thangka measures 57 cm X 72 cm, making it a mid-sized piece of art that can be displayed in your home or meditation space.

Symbolism and Significance

White Tara is revered as a compassionate and powerful deity who can grant wishes and protect her devotees. She is often depicted as a beautiful white woman seated on a lotus flower, her hands in the gesture of granting boons (vitarka mudra). Her white color symbolizes purity, clarity, and compassion.

Benefits of Displaying and Meditating on White Tara Thangkas

Displaying a White Tara Thangka in your home or meditation space can bring about numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased Compassion and Loving-Kindness: White Tara embodies compassion and loving-kindness, and gazing upon the thangka can help to cultivate these qualities within oneself.

  • Wisdom and Insight: White Tara is also associated with wisdom and insight, and meditating on the thangka can help to develop these qualities in one’s mind.

  • Protection and Healing: White Tara is a powerful protector who can safeguard her devotees from harm, and she is also associated with healing and well-being.

  • Meditation and Visualization: The intricate designs and symbols of the White Tara Thangka make it an excellent tool for meditation and visualization. Gazing upon the thangka can help to calm the mind and focus the attention.

  • Harmony and Balance: White Tara embodies harmony and balance, and displaying the thangka in your home can help to create a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

Meditation Practices with White Tara Thangkas

Meditating on a White Tara Thangka is a powerful way to connect with the deity’s compassionate and protective energy. Here’s a simple meditation practice:

  1. Set an intention: Before beginning your meditation, set a clear intention for your practice. You may wish to focus on cultivating compassion, gaining wisdom, or simply enjoying the beauty of the thangka.

  2. Gaze at the Thangka: Sit comfortably on a cushion or chair, facing the Thangka. Gaze at the image of White Tara, allowing her presence to fill your awareness.

  3. Visualize White Tara: Imagine White Tara appearing before you, radiating compassion and wisdom. Feel her gentle presence washing over you.

  4. Meditate on White Tara’s Mantra: Gently recite the White Tara mantra, “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha,” aloud or silently.

  5. Embody White Tara’s Qualities: Incorporate the qualities of compassion, wisdom, and protection into your own mind and actions.

  6. End your meditation with gratitude: When it is time to conclude your meditation, express gratitude to White Tara for her blessings and guidance. Feel a sense of peace, harmony, and inner strength as you return to your everyday life.


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